I am a neuroscientist specialized in research on circadian rhythms, or so called "chronobiology", which is a research field that describes how daily fluctuations in sleep-wakefulness, social behavior, hormonal release, immune system mechanims and other bodily functions are controlled by a "body clock". I am also an experienced university teacher in neuroscience, circadian biology, histology and gross anatomy and a dedicated student supervisor. I frequently give public lectures about our body clock system and sleep and its relation to diseases.
My primary location is the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, www.age.mpg.de, Cologne, Germany, where I work as the institute Scientific Coordinator. My work involves institute management and strategic planning; as well as teaching and mentoring junior scientists.
I am also affiliated as Lecturer/Privatdozentin with the University of Cologne where I teach circadian biology and good scientific practice. I was for a long time located at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, where I studied and worked as a research group leader and associate professor for many years. I am also alumna from University of Virginia in Charlottesville, where I previously worked as postdoctoral fellow in Gene Block's laboratory at the Center for Biology of Timing.