
Original articles

Altered expression of the circadian clock gene CRY1 in patients with bipolar disorder.
Johansson As, Poulimeneas P, Adler M, Hetta J, Lundkvist GB and Owe-Larsson B.. In preparation to J Affective Disorders

Medicine in the fourth dimension.
Cederroth CR, Albrecht U, Bass J, Brown SA, Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen J, Gachon F, Green CB, Hastings MH, Helfrich-Förster C, Hogenesch J, Lévi F, Loudon A, Lundkvist GB, Meijer JH, Rosbash M, Takahashi JS, Young M, and Canlon B (2019). Cell Met 30(2):238-250. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2019.06.019, PMID: 31390550

The choroid plexus harbors a circadian oscillator modulated by estrogens.
Quintela T, Albuquerque T, Lundkvist G, Carmine Belin A, Talhada D, Gonçalves I, Carro E, Santos CRA.
Chronobiol Int. 2017 Nov 27:1-10. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2017.1400978. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:29172740

Differential Phase Arrangement of Cellular Clocks along the Tonotopic Axis of the Mouse Cochlea Ex Vivo.
Park JS, Cederroth CR, Basinou V, Sweetapple L, Buijink R, Lundkvist GB, Michel S, Canlon B. 
Curr Biol. 2017 27(17):2623-2629. PMID: 28823676

Ryanodine-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ channels are involved in the output from the SCN circadian clock.
Aguilar-Roblero R, Quinto D, Báez-Ruíz A, Chávez JL, Belin AC, Díaz-Muñoz M, Michel S, Lundkvist G.  
Eur J Neurosci. 2016 44(7):2504-2514.

Identification of a Circadian Clock in the Inferior Colliculus and Its Dysregulation by Noise Exposure.
Park JS, Cederroth CR, Basinou V, Meltser I, Lundkvist G, Canlon B.
J Neuroscience 2016; 36(20):5509-19

Altered circadian clock gene expression in patients with schizophrenia
Johansson AS, Owe-Larsson B, Hetta J, Lundkvist GB.
Schizophrenia Research 2016;174(1-3):17-23

Human cellular differences in cAMP--CREB signaling correlate with light-dependent melatonin suppression and bipolar disorder
Gaspar L, Van De Werken M, Johansson As, Moriggi E, Owe-larsson B, Kocks Jw, Lundkvist GB, Gordijn MC, Brown SA.
The European Journal of Neuroscience 2014;40(1):2206-15

Repeated psychosocial stress at night, but not day, affects the central molecular clock
Bartlang Ms, Savelyev Sa, Johansson As, Reber So, Helfrich-forster C, Lundkvist GB
Chronobiology international 2014;31(9):996-1007

TrkB-mediated protection against circadian sensitivity to noise trauma in the murine cochlea
Meltser I, Cederroth Cr, Basinou V, Savelyev S, Lundkvist G, Canlon B
Current biology : CB 2014;24(6):658-63

Activation of kynurenine pathway in ex vivo fibroblasts from patients with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia: cytokine challenge increases production of 3-hydroxykynurenine
Johansson AS, Owe-larsson B, Asp L, Kocki T, Adler M, Hetta J, Gardner R, Lundkvist GB, Urbanska EM, Karlsson H.
Journal of psychiatric research 2013;47(11):1815-23

Effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines on expression of kynurenine pathway enzymes in human dermal fibroblasts
Asp L, Johansson AS, Mann A, Owe-larsson B, Urbanska EM, Kocki T, Kegel M, Engberg G, Lundkvist GB, Karlsson H.
Journal of inflammation (London, England) 2011;8():25-

Slice preparation, organotypic tissue culturing and luciferase recording of clock gene activity in the suprachiasmatic nucleus
Savelyev SA, Larsson KC, Johansson AS, Lundkvist GB
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 2011;(48):-

Valproic acid phase shifts the rhythmic expression of Period2::Luciferase
Johansson AS, Brask J, Owe-larsson B, Hetta J, Lundkvist GB
Journal of biological rhythms 2011;26(6):541-51

Clock gene expression during chronic inflammation induced by infection with Trypanosoma brucei brucei in rats
Lundkvist GB, Sellix MT, Nygard M, Davis E, Straume M, Kristensson K, et al
Journal of biological rhythms 2010;25(2):92-102

Rapid nitric oxide-dependent effects of tumor necrosis factor-alpha on suprachiasmatic nuclei neuronal activity
Nygard M, Lundkvist GB, Hill RH, Kristensson K
Neuroreport 2009;20(2):213-7

Interferon-gamma alters electrical activity and clock gene expression in suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons
Kwak Y, Lundkvist G, Brask J, Davidson A, Menaker M, Kristensson K, et al
Journal of biological rhythms 2008;23(2):150-9

A calcium flux is required for circadian rhythm generation in mammalian pacemaker neurons
Lundkvist GB, Kwak Y, Davis Ek, Tei H, Block GD
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2005;25(33):7682-6

Role of neuronal membrane events in circadian rhythm generation
Lundkvist GB, Block GD
Methods in enzymology 2005;393():623-42

Interferon-gamma mediates neuronal killing of intracellular bacteria
Jin Y, Lundkvist G, Dons L, Kristensson K, Rottenberg ME
Scandinavian journal of immunology 2004;60(5):437-48

Why trypanosomes cause sleeping sickness
Lundkvist GB, Kristensson K, Bentivoglio M
Physiology (Bethesda, Md.) 2004;19():198-206

Disruption of circadian rhythms in synaptic activity of the suprachiasmatic nuclei by African trypanosomes and cytokines
Lundkvist GB, Hill RH, Kristensson K
Neurobiology of disease 2002;11(1):20-7

The suprachiasmatic nucleus exhibits diurnal variations in spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic activity
Lundkvist GB, Kristensson K, Hill RH
Journal of biological rhythms 2002;17(1):40-51

Light-dependent regulation and postnatal development of the interferon-gamma receptor in the rat suprachiasmatic nuclei
Lundkvist GB, Andersson A, Robertson B, Rottenberg ME, Kristensson K
Brain research 1999;849(1-2):231-4

Altered neuronal activity rhythm and glutamate receptor expression in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of Trypanosoma brucei-infected rats
Lundkvist GB, Christenson J, Eltayeb RA, Peng ZC, Grillner P, Mhlanga J, et al
Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology 1998;57(1):21-9

Expression of an oscillating interferon-gamma receptor in the suprachiasmatic nuclei
Lundkvist GB, Robertson B, Mhlanga JD, Rottenberg ME, Kristensson K
Neuroreport 1998;9(6):1059-63

Book chapters

Microcircuit of the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Lundkvist GB and Block GD 
In: Handbook of Microcircuits, 2nd Ed., 2017, Eds Shepherd and Grillner, Oxford University Press, In press.

Stress and the circadian clock 
Bartlang MS and Lundkvist GB.
Elsevier 2017. In press.

Intracellular calcium as a clock output from suprachiasmatic neurons.
Aguilar-Roblero R, Díaz-MuñozM, Báez-RuízA, Quinto-MuñozD, Lundkvist GBS and Michel S.
In: Mechanisms of circadian systems in animals and its clinical relevance 2014. Eds: Fanjul L, Díaz-Muñoz M and Aguilar-Roblero R. Springer New York.

Microcircuit of the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Lundkvist GB and Block GD  
In: Handbook of Microcircuits 2010, Eds Shepherd and Grillner, Oxford University Press, pp 101-108. ISBN 978-0-19-538988-3

Function and Pharmacology of Circadian Clocks.
Lundkvist GB and Block GD 
In: Handbook of Contemporary Neuropharmacology 2007, John Wiley & Sons, Eds Sibley, Hanin, Kuhar and Skolnick. pp 3-37. ISBN 978-0-471-66053-8

Is there a role for membrane electrical events in generation of mammalian circadian rhythms? 
Block, GD, Lundkvist, GB and Kwak, Y.  
In: Biological rhythms, Proceedings of the Tenth Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythms 2003, Eds Honma, K. & Honma, S,. Hokkaido University Presspp. 49-57.


Popular science articles 

Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin 2017: Den biologiska klockan 
Interview with Sandra Ceccatelli and Gabriella Lundkvist.
Reimegård L
Nationellt resurscentrum för biologi och bioteknik • Bi-lagan nr 3 december 2017 •

Ljuset styr vår inre rytm 
Hetta J, Lundkvist GBS, Sjöholm L and Ryltenius J
Medicinsk Vetenskap 2011 nr 4.

The Cells that Keep Our Body Clock Ticking
Truss, P. and Lundkvist GBS
The Projects Magazine 2010, Insight Publishers Ltd, November issue: 77-79

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